Sunday, October 19, 2008

Finally Blogging again

Well, for anyone who doesn't already know what's been going on with me lately, I got back together with Curtis. We got married. I'm moving to San Diego to be with him in just a few weeks, blah blah, so on and so forth.

Bear with me here, I've got some serious blog-writers-block and I'm trying to just push through it.

So anyways, I've always found it amazing how many dishes I can dirty- just me living all by myself. I suppose it doesn't help that I have the tendency to use every single clean dish in my cabinet before I finally suck it up and wash the monstrous pile that accumulates.

Well, the other day it happened again. I was down to my last plate and knew I would have to do dishes before my next meal. And that's when it occurred to me- I'm moving in with Curtis soon, and his dishes are much nicer than mine anyway.

With that in mind, there was only one sensible course of action- I took that dirty pile of dishes and threw them all in the trash.

It gave me the most wonderful feeling- perhaps because the whole thing was kind of like a metaphor for all the positive changes that have occurred in my life recently- but also because I really hate doing dishes.

After all that, I went out to the store and bought myself some new dishes:

I like these ones a lot better.