Friday, August 20, 2010

A Blog about a Happy Birthday

Last Sunday, Curtis and I went to his mom's house for the afternoon. She got the whole family together to go out to eat with us, both to say goodbye and also to celebrate my birthday. Curtis's mom, Vikki, got me a cake and a present and everything- it was so sweet. They were all so kind to me and made me feel like a part of the family. We had a great time, and it was a for me, a very happy birthday.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

And the answer is...

Well, this has been a long time coming. We finally figured out where we're moving- and it's not anywhere we expected. It seems like every time I say I'm moving close to home I end up eating my words. Although we will be getting progressively closer with this move, but still not "close".

But anyways, We're moving to Lawton, Oklahoma.

Curtis just got back from a trip out there for a job interview. He rocked the interview, and was offered a good job that he is very excited about. He will be training Army guys at Fort Sill to do the kind of things he's been doing in the Marines for the last few years.

I'm not sure what I'll be doing. I can't go to school there for at least a year, because it would take that long to establish residency in order to qualify for the in-state tuition rates that the GI Bill covers. I suppose I will get a job, but I certainly have no idea of what that might entail. I'm just gonna wait and see.

Lawton is a small town in southern Oklahoma that is surrounded by even smaller towns. All very rural. I kind of think that will be neat though- it will be a nice change of pace from living in Hawaii and California. Plus, Dallas/Ft Worth is only 3 and half hours away, so if we need a fix of big city culture, we can get it on the weekends.

We will be within driving distance of Curtis's dad and brother, so I will probably get to meet them finally. That will be cool.

Overall, we're just extremely relieved and happy to finally know where we're going, after several long months of uncertainty.

We'll be leaving on September 15th, if all goes according to plan.