Saturday, May 31, 2008

Just a quick story.

So this guy came to my door, trying to sell vacuums, and when I answered the door, he asked me if my parents were home. LOL! I love that I still look young, even though I'm almost 26.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

And by the way...

I can't wait to go home!!!!

Chinese Class

I've been in a Chinese refresher class for the last month or so. I've been having a lot of fun, so I decided I should tell you guys all about it. Here goes:

Well, that about sums it up.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

My accidental adventure

The other day I went for a walk around my neighborhood, when I happened upon this trail. I started to walk it, thinking it would wind around behind the houses and then lead right back to one of the main roads.

Very quickly I realized this was not the case.

I passed a pond.

I went over a bridge.

And this is where I ended up. It's the far side of Pearl Harbor.

I can't believe I've been living here for more than a year now and just now discovered this.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

4 Things I learned this week:

1. Sometimes when you accidentally leave your atm card in the atm, the atm swallows it, and then you have to ask the people who work in the bank who run the atm to give it back to you. If you are lucky, they will.

2. If it is 85 degrees outside, and you buy modeling clay that hardens in heat, and then you leave it in the trunk of your car for an hour and a half while you are in the mall getting a haircut, you will not be able to make anything with it when you get home, that is, unless what you wanted to make was a hard white brick that is in the shape of a block of modeling clay.

3. It is unwise to drive at 70 MPH in sudden, torrential rain. What happens if you do, is that your car starts to go into a spin, and you have to turn the steering wheel vigorously back and forth in order to regain control of your car. If you're lucky, you will.

4. And finally, when you leave a full container of bleach on a counter which is next to a brown carpeted floor, it's always best to put the lid on it.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Homemade T-shirts

Well, I was bored yesterday so I decided to do something crafty. I ended up buying a tie dye kit and some printable iron on transfer sheets. Here are the results.

It was pretty freakin' fun.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Because Hampsters are illegal in Hawai

I bought two mice a year and a half ago. The store said they were both female, but as it turns out one of them was a male. I didn't figure it out until the first eleven babies were born, and by then, the next eleven had already been conceived. Luckily the store took them all back (along with the troublesome impregnater.) I kept one of the girl babies.

They don't have names. I simply call them "the fertile one" and "the result", and to be honest I can't tell which is which anymore.

If you can't tell, this is a picture of a mouse's butt. The mouse who it belongs to is fleeing from my presence. This is mostly what I get from these two. They aren't the friendliest.

I heard that the cedar bedding gives them respiratory difficulties that can lead to an early death. That's why I always get that kind. It hasn't worked so far. The thing is, I'm really hoping they die before I have to move in January. I don't know what I'm going to do with them if they don't.