Sunday, October 19, 2008

Finally Blogging again

Well, for anyone who doesn't already know what's been going on with me lately, I got back together with Curtis. We got married. I'm moving to San Diego to be with him in just a few weeks, blah blah, so on and so forth.

Bear with me here, I've got some serious blog-writers-block and I'm trying to just push through it.

So anyways, I've always found it amazing how many dishes I can dirty- just me living all by myself. I suppose it doesn't help that I have the tendency to use every single clean dish in my cabinet before I finally suck it up and wash the monstrous pile that accumulates.

Well, the other day it happened again. I was down to my last plate and knew I would have to do dishes before my next meal. And that's when it occurred to me- I'm moving in with Curtis soon, and his dishes are much nicer than mine anyway.

With that in mind, there was only one sensible course of action- I took that dirty pile of dishes and threw them all in the trash.

It gave me the most wonderful feeling- perhaps because the whole thing was kind of like a metaphor for all the positive changes that have occurred in my life recently- but also because I really hate doing dishes.

After all that, I went out to the store and bought myself some new dishes:

I like these ones a lot better.


jennifaye said...

I can't believe you are going to San Diego so soon. That is so exciting!

Nancy Yatabe said...

My Dear Sarah, I wish I could have seen you when you were home. Please cash the check that I sent. The dishes are lovely. I like white ones. Love You, Grand Ma Yatabe

Michelle said...

How exciting!

The new dishes you bought are my favorite kind to use. Much easier than washing them.....saves on water too. :)

David B. Beaver said...

If you could've held onto those dishes another month you could've saved them for me :P

Oh well where would I put them in my one tiny room I'll be renting anyway?

Curtis said...

Once you get here I'll do all the dishes for you!

Dan B. said...


Rookie husband mistake. Here is some advice from a veteran.

1. Never put those kind of promises in writing.

2. Especially in public!

