Thursday, December 4, 2008

Some Pictures of My Neighbors

We have this really cool little creek that runs down the middle of our apartment complex. There are ducks in it all year round.

They're not shy at all, so I'm guessing people feed them a lot. Sometimes I have to step over them on my way to the laundry room.

They got all excited when I told them I was going to blog about them, so they were happy to pose for these pictures.

Some of them speak Duck-Spanish.

It's possible that I've been spending too much time at my house alone during the day.


Rachel Bostwick said...

Cool! I wish we had ducks!! The only thing I have to step over on the way to the laundry room is laundry. And the ducks here only speak Pennsylvania Ducktch

jennifaye said...

How did I miss this entry?

Reminds me of the ducks in Texas. I miss them sometimes. And then the cool birds on our pond in Minne.

Dan B. said...


"Pennsylvania Ducktch..." You've been in PA too long. That sounds so much like a joke my dad would've have said. LOL
