Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Dengue Fever is Coming

Or so the kids here at house 2 keep telling me. I don´t know where they heard it, maybe at school or something, but I´ve had several of the kids here warn me during the last few days to look out for the Dengue. They´ve also told me that when you have Dengue fever, you bleed from your nose mouth, eyes, and even ears. Im not sure how acurate their description of the disease is, and I´m quite sure that the Dengue is not in fact coming, but it´s quite adorable to see the kids all worked up.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

In Bolivia

Okay I havent posted anything in forever. To catch anyone up who cares... I decided to go to Bolivia, then stuff happened, etc., and now I am in Bolivia.

I am thouroughly enjoying Cochabamba. The weather here is the best I have ever experienced in my life. It is cool and sunny almost every day. Although apparently it will get somewhat cold this summer (which is winter for Bolivia.)

Cochabamba is at a high altitude in the middle of some of the most beautiful mountains I have ever seen. The home that I live at has the most gorgeous yard which the kids and I love to play in. Ive started to hate the indoors.

Another wonderful thing about Cochabamba is that apparently, there are no tarantulas. We do get some big spiders here and there, but they do not cause the same feelings of horror and helplessness as do their hairy counterparts.

Mostly my favorite thing about Cochabamba so far is the kids. The kids at house 2 are some of the sweetest kids I have ever worked with.

I hope to post some pictures eventually, but right now I do not have acess to a computer where I can upload photos. I hate blogging without pictures, but I am going to try and blog a bit more regularly now anyway.

Well, thats all Ive got for now.