Monday, June 28, 2010

Sayonara Facebook

Well, I decided to ditch facebook. Thing was, I realized it had ceased to be fun for me and instead had become a source of guilt and shame. Guilt because it would take me forever to get back to people who contacted me. Shame, because every now and then I would get a rare extroverted streak and message or comment, only to feel mortified afterwards. (Social Anxiety in action.)

I think a lot of people feel more outgoing online because of the semi-anonymity of it. I never felt that way. I figure, if you embarrass yourself online its worse than if you do it live. In real life people quickly forget your social faux pas, and only the people present have to know that it ever happened, whereas online, your stupidity remains, available to the public for all eternity.

So that's that. What's done is done. If anyone wants to keep in touch with me it will have to be through blogging or email, or preferably, when at all possible, we can meet in real life.

On other news, Curtis and I got to see Michelle Obama speak at Camp Pendleton a couple weekends ago. Actually we had to go see her speak, Curtis was volun-told to go. Here is a picture Curtis took of her on his phone.

It is not a good picture. Clearly the phone camera focused on the wrong black woman. Ah well. We were much closer than this looks. It was kind of neat I guess to see the first lady, but showing up two hours early to get through security and then standing (there were no seats) in the hot sun with 3500 other people waiting for it to start, the country music blaring through the loudspeakers serving as the only form of entertainment, was not even close to tolerable, much less fun. Still, I had no idea there so many cheesy, patriotic country songs in existence. Indeed, they found and played two hours worth of them. You learn something new every day.

We did not learn anything new from M. Obama's actual speech.

And my final story for the day... My watch broke a few months back, and I've been reluctant to buy a new one, seeing as how money has been tight around the Helsley household-- and will be until we finally move. Fortunately, this weekend I got a happy meal which included a watch as the toy- can you believe it? And to think I was going to blow twenty bucks on one... So glad I held out. Luckily I have freakishly small wrists.

I think this will help me fit in better with the extremely young kids that I have found myself surrounded by at college.


jennifaye said...

I love you Sarah!

Dad is going to work on a family web site soon where we can get on and check on each other. It will have certain areas just for family and others that are open to the public.

If you feel like drawing any time make some pics of Beavers. I would love to have mostly original art and my art sucks.

Sarah said...

A family website- that sounds fun! Sure I can draw some beavers.

jennifaye said...

One of the sections will be the Beaver cookbook so a Beaver with an apron or reading a cookbook or cooking would be cool.

Dan B. said...


Believe it or not I know exactly what you mean by ".. Shame, because every now and then I would get a rare extroverted streak and message or comment, only to feel mortified afterwards".

Why do you think I deleted all of my blog posts, twice.

Love the watch. Now I know where to shop for your birthday present this August.



Rachel Bostwick said...

Dude! Elijah has that exact same watch. Clearly this is a fashion trend.

I have been trying to comment on this for two days but I haven't had a hand free...

And now I know that email will be more effective for when I want to make you feel guilty.