Sunday, March 2, 2008

Fun With Floam at Home

So I did it. I decided to go ahead and make a pencil holder out of Floam.

I have to say, it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

On the down side I cut my hand on the edge of the can while making it. It bled quite a lot in fact.

Actually that's not really blood, that's ketchup. I did cut my hand, but it wasn't that bad. And that's actually not even the right hand. I cut the other one. I just didn't want to put ketchup on the cut, I thought that might hurt.

My hand smells like ketchup now, even after I washed it.


jennifaye said...

very cool... where do you get floam? by the way, please do not get a utility knife. lol

Sarah said...

You can get Floam at Walmart probably. With the markers and crayons and other kids craft items.

Don't worry I'm good with things that I'm expecting to be sharp. It's just that the can took me by surprise.

Rachel Bostwick said...

That is disgusting and totally made me laugh. You are such a dork. I feel unfulfilled now, though, because I have never made anything with flog. Er, bloam. Whatever. The most crafty thing I have done this week is to use mighty putty to fix my knife drawer...

Anonymous said...


You are just too funny. I needed a good laugh just at the moment I read this one.

I really miss you.

