Friday, April 18, 2008

Insomniac Rant

J.K. Rowling is suing the publishers of a Harry Potter Lexicon. I'm thinking, how much more money does she think she needs?

And does she really think that anyone fanatical enough to buy a Harry Potter encyclopedia would skip purchasing the one authored by J.K. Rowling herself simply because they already purchased the knock-off lexicon? I think not.

I think Rowling needs to spend more time writing and less time suing people and saying stupid things like this-

"There comes a point where Susan, who was the older girl, is lost to Narnia because she becomes interested in lipstick. She's become irreligious basically because she found sex," Rowling says. "I have a big problem with that."

Well, it seems, J.K. Rowling, that you have read Phillip Pullman's Cliff notes on the Narnia books. Way to regurgitate someone else's crappy opinion.

While I'm ranting, How exactly does the Texas child protective services justify taking over 400 children into custody because one anonymous sixteen year old makes a phone call? Maybe take the teenage girls, but the babies and boys? I know those people are freaky, but they still have rights.

And as for the 8 girls who beat up another girl and videotaped it, What have they ever experienced in their lives that made them think even for a second that assault is funny or entertaining in any way? I just can't comprehend that.

I've slept maybe 5 hours in the last four days and I want to gouge my eyes out.

Me, gouging my eyes out.


Rachel Bostwick said...

Can I just say that I love you for knowing what Philip Pullman thinks about Narnia. I wish you were over here hanging out with me and making my kids laugh instead of over there not sleeping but I'm just generally glad that you exist.

And I'm with you on the whole taking 400 kids into custody thing. That made me mad. I just couldn't quite get into words why.

jennifaye said...

I think the reason it is so anger provoking is that we know such more important reasons to remove a child from their home. Also because we know first hand how much it hurts the child.

Go to sleep!

Come home soon!
