Sunday, April 6, 2008

A peek into my home

Well, I can't come up with anything interesting to post about lately, so I thought I'd just post some pictures.

This is supposed to be be my dining room, but since I live alone, I eat on the couch in front of the tv. So I decided to turn this little room into my art corner.

The collage on the wall took me a couple weeks to finish. It will no doubt take me hours to take down when I move, but that's all right.

And this is my bedroom. I resisted the care bears theme for quite some time, trying to convince myself I was too grown up. But that's a joke, and besides I like Care Bears.


jennifaye said...

So, does this mean you are doing your art? Hope so! It is very cool to see where you live. I am quite nosy. (as you must know)

Rachel Bostwick said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your collage! How are you so clean, we are related, aren't we?? Thank you for showing your home, that was fun.

jennifaye said...


Your sister