Sunday, May 18, 2008

My accidental adventure

The other day I went for a walk around my neighborhood, when I happened upon this trail. I started to walk it, thinking it would wind around behind the houses and then lead right back to one of the main roads.

Very quickly I realized this was not the case.

I passed a pond.

I went over a bridge.

And this is where I ended up. It's the far side of Pearl Harbor.

I can't believe I've been living here for more than a year now and just now discovered this.


jennifaye said...

cool pics...

Rachel Bostwick said...

That is so, so awesome. I want to go there!

Michelle said...

Sarah, we're visiting O'ahu in October. Will you still be there?

Kaila said...

That's beatuiful. I loved living there :-)

Nancy Yatabe said...

I think we are going there for the next Yatabe reunion. Not this year. The babies are a bit too small. Love, GrandMa Y

Sarah said...

Oh cool, yeah I will definitely still be here in October. I won't be leaving until early January I think.

Michelle said...

Sarah, if you have time maybe we could meet up somewhere. I'm sure a lot has changed since we lived there.

Sarah said...

Definitely, that sounds fun. Are you you bringing all your kids with you?

Michelle said...

Sarah, it'll be Wayne, me, Megan and Matthew coming. Kaila is staying home watching the other kids. It's our 25th wedding anniversary this year. We're bringing Megan because she was born in Honolulu and Matthew is 1/2 Hawaiian.

Kimmie said...

Very nice compostion to your pictures. Great job and enjoy your discovery!

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted