Thursday, January 8, 2009

Going to Bolivia

Well, I had my phone interview today with Jennifer Thompson, the directer of the Casa de Amor. It seems my application to volunteer has been approved, so I guess I'm going to Cochabamba!

I will most likely end up working in the older children's home- which is great, that's what I was really hoping for. Right now there are 11 children aged 3 to 10(?) that live there.

I'm quite excited, but I also feel a little overwhelmed, as now I have many, many things to do in the next month to prepare.

But yeah, that's how that went.

There's a nice little video on youtube about the Casa de Amor that I found for anyone who is curious...


Rachel Bostwick said...

Awesome. We'll be praying for you.

jennifaye said...

Very cool and yes I watched the video.

Kaila said...

That's awesome! I hope you have a safe journey!

Michelle said...

How exciting! I'll be praying for you and the children in your care.

Beth said...


David B. Beaver said...

yay!! And to think i just found my santa biblia under my bed this week, what a shame...

That's cool that you get to work with the older kids, much funner! ;)