Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Dengue Fever is Coming

Or so the kids here at house 2 keep telling me. I don´t know where they heard it, maybe at school or something, but I´ve had several of the kids here warn me during the last few days to look out for the Dengue. They´ve also told me that when you have Dengue fever, you bleed from your nose mouth, eyes, and even ears. Im not sure how acurate their description of the disease is, and I´m quite sure that the Dengue is not in fact coming, but it´s quite adorable to see the kids all worked up.


jennifaye said...

oh boy, i'll bet the gossip can get around that place and the distortion that can take place..

Rachel Bostwick said...

The title scared me, then it made me laugh. Thanks for posting!

David B. Beaver said...

It is always cute to see how dramatic children can be about things that PROBABLY aren't that serious :D